March 14, 2023
Impressive Rehabilitation Project Brings Myrtle Beach’s Business Connection to R. J. Corman Line

R. J. Corman is committed to providing continued growth and improvement for its customers. Seeing a great opportunity, R. J. Corman presented an idea to L&W Supply in Myrtle Beach, SC, to build a 520 feet rail spur connecting its facilities to R. J. Corman’s Carolina Lines (RJCS.)
These facilities are only a few of the 200+ branches L&W Supply has nationwide. L&W is the nation’s largest distributor of wallboard, suspended ceiling systems, steel studs, joint treatment, insulation, fasteners, and other building products.
R. J. Corman Railroad Services Non-Emergency and the Railroad Company’s Engineering Team worked together to rehabilitate a section of the line and construct the spur connecting with L&W’s premises during the fall of 2022. The rehabilitation portion of the project was coordinated by the Engineering team and comprised an overhaul of five miles of track.
Now with rail access, L&W can expand their material sourcing outside of the region, and their new yard also has the capability of large-volume material storage, with 80% moving in by rail. L&W’s first carloads arrived in March of 2023.
Views of the spur built for the customer.
A before and after the rehabilitation of the track.