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November 1, 2023

R. J. Corman Railroad Services, Non-Emergency Constructs Crucial Testing Facilities for MxV Rail

Throughout 2022 and 2023, R. J. Corman Railroad Services successfully constructed two different test loops for MxV Rail in its testing facilities at PuebloPlex in Colorado. The first phase of this project was to construct a High-Speed Test Loop.

The 5.8-mile loop (30,527 track feet) is designed to replicate real-world scenarios and was built using the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Class Six track safety standards. This means a track for freight trains and passenger trains traveling up to 110 mph. The loop has curves ranging from 2.4 degrees to three degrees. On the curves, the maximum achievable test speeds are 62 and 70 miles per hour and 110 miles per hour on the straight portion of the track.
The High-Speed Loop is MxV Rail’s largest test loop. It will support many freight and passenger rail research programs, including AAR’s truck testing, performance testing for new rail technologies, and qualification testing for rolling stock.

Image: Courtesy of MxV Rail

The second phase of this project was the construction of a 2.8-mile state-of-the-art Facility for Accelerated Services Testing (FAST).

This construction project included a concentric 2.8-mile main loop track, a 1.1-mile FAST lead, and a FAST storage loop. The design features curves as sharp as 10 degrees with varying superelevation to meet testing requirements.

Despite facing several obstacles, R. J. Corman's team members completed the project on time, within budget, and injury-free. The new FAST loop is expected to accumulate over 2 million gross tons (MGT) of freight train loading regularly in an operating night and over 140 MGT in a typical year. This tonnage exceeds that of all but the busiest North American railroad main tracks. With the start of operations on the new FAST loop in the 4th quarter of 2023, FAST will provide important test data to the railroad industry.

R. J. Corman teams in action. (Images: Courtesy of MxV Rail)