April 16, 2014
R. J. Corman Railroad Services: The S-line Project

50 Miles from Callahan to Starke, FL
CSX created the S-Line project to increase capacity and shift traffic from their A-Line to the S-Line. This was due to selling a portion of their A-Line to the State of Florida for the SunRail project.
- Land Clearing
- Surveying / Staking
- Excavation & Embankment
- Roadbed Construction
- Material Unloading
- Sub-ballast / Ballast Placement
- Building / Installing New Mainline Track
- Building / Installing Turnouts & Crossovers
- Diamond Installation
- Welding
- Surfacing
- Bridge Construction
- Crossings
- Ditch/Drainage
- Site Restoration
Over 88 Thousand Track Feet of New Track Construction (over approx. 17 miles)
61 Turnouts
23 Paved Crossings
86 Acres Brush Clearing
300,000+ Cubic Yards of Dirt Excavated / Imported / Exported
122,400 Man Hours