January 24, 2018
R. J. Corman Receives the Platinum NRC Safety Award

The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association (NRC) recognizes their members who have strong workplace safety programs. These safety awards are given to companies who demonstrate a commitment to safety and understands the importance of providing a safe work environment. Awards are presented to applicants based on the scores from these six areas:
Workers’ Compensation Experience Rating
OSHA Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
OSHA Statistics Violations
Roadway Worker Protection Training
Safety Program Elements
Company Vehicle Accident Score
Based on the score a company receives, they will fall in one of four award categories. A score of 60% - 69% receives Bronze, 70% - 79% receives Silver, and 80% - 99% receives Gold. R. J. Corman Railroad Services received the Platinum Award, which is given to companies that receive a perfect score of 100%. Noel Rush, the Senior Vice President of Commercial Development, attended the NRC Conference to receive the award on the company’s behalf.
R. J. Corman buckles down on keeping safety as a focus in everything that we do. We take extensive efforts to encourage and expand safety in our work and in the services we provide. We are proud to be amongst the best in the industry in our safety practices.