October 24, 2023
R. J. Corman Railroad Group Hosts Short Line Safety Institute Hazmat Training for Kentucky First Responders

LEXINGTON, KY – The Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI) will train area first responders in hazardous materials incident response at three Kentucky locations from October 31 through November 8, 2023. Fire departments in Anchorage, Middleton, Frankfort, and Lexington will participate in the Railroad Emergency Response Training program. The program combines classroom instruction, hands-on training, and interactive experience-based discussions tailored to meet first responders’ needs, and will include specific information on R. J. Corman’s operations in their respective localities.
“R. J. Corman’s commitment to providing this training, and opening three locations to choose from, will benefit the surrounding communities. The Railroad Emergency Response Training, with particular attention to the local railroad’s operations, lays the groundwork for a safe, well-coordinated hazmat incident response and community protection,” said Tom Murta, Executive Director, SLSI.
The Short Line Safety Institute’s expert instructors, who have 650+ years of combined experience in hazardous materials transportation safety, will cover:
- Safety considerations when working on a railroad property
- Emergency contact information
- Rail types, identification, and features
- Hazmat identifiers (placards/labels/markings) on railcars and tanks
- Train lists and shipping documents
- Incident management and specialized resources
In addition to classroom training, there will be hands-on training with a demonstration of valves, fittings, appliances and more with multiple real-world examples.
“R. J. Corman is committed to ensuring safe operations for our employees, first responders, and the communities we operate in,” said Ed Quinn, President & CEO, R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC. “Our leadership works to ensure that employees are well trained in the necessary safety precautions that should be taken, and encourages community involvement. At the conclusion of the Railroad Emergency Response Training, area first responders will be better equipped to work closely with our railroad personnel to respond to a hazmat incident, providing better outcomes for our communities.”
The Railroad Emergency Response Training program is provided at no cost to participants or the railroad, with funding provided by an Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration (PHMSA).
The Short Line Safety Institute recently recognized its eighth year of operations, the 125th Safety Culture Assessment completed, and more than 260 hazardous materials training sessions.
About R. J. Corman Railroad Group
R. J. Corman Railroad Group employs approximately 1,400 people in 24 states. R. J. Corman companies provide a broad scope of services to the railroad industry, such as emergency response, track material distribution, track construction, short line railroad operations, industrial switching, and signal design and construction.
About SLSI
The Short Line Safety Institute (SLSI) is a non-profit corporation that conducts Safety Culture Assessments, provides Hazardous Material Instructor and Leadership Development programs, and is the educational, training and research source for short line and regional railroads concerning safety culture.
www.shortlinesafety.org, @shortlinesafety