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Our clients in the paper products industry were facing an increasingly expanding market that required higher levels of production to meet demand. They needed an out-of-the box, strategic supply chain solution.

To help our clients expand their facilities and add production lines we not only provided our railroad transportation capacity, but we also combined it with our warehousing and inventory capabilities. Thousands of rolls of brown paper are efficiently moved from mills over the rail for hundreds of miles to our distribution center where they are stowed using forklifts specially equipped with dedicated paper roll clamps. After the rolls arrive at our warehouse, they are transloaded into our shuttle railcars that take them directly to our clients’ factory, creating a constant, steady flow of material to optimize production.

This solution significantly expands our client’s capacity to meet demand but also allows them to increase their storage capability to have enough stock material to prevent breaks in inventory and production.

R. J. Corman has the flexibility and resources to provide transportation and supply chain solutions to meet the ever-changing realities of today’s markets.



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A Commercial Development team member is eager to discuss your supply chain needs. Your staff member is determined by region.

John Gogniat
Director, Commercial Development
R. J. Corman Railroad Company


Chris McDonald
Senior Manager, Commercial Development
R. J. Corman Railroad Company