Contract of Carriage
Contract of Carriage
The contract or quasi-contract for transportation established by the Shipping Instruction, whether pursuant to common carrier pricing or a commercial contract between RJC and a Customer.
The contract or quasi-contract for transportation established by the Shipping Instruction, whether pursuant to common carrier pricing or a commercial contract between RJC and a Customer.
The complete or partial loading of a railcar in conformity with loading and clearance rules.
The Customer primarily responsible for paying the line-haul freight charges for transportation provided by RJC.
Instructions given to RR containing all the information necessary to transport the shipment to its final destination.
1. The party in whose name a railcar is ordered for loading
2. The party consigning a shipment
3. The party who furnishes forwarding instructions. The consignor often is, but not always, the shipper and/or freight payer.
The party to whom the Shipment is to be physically delivered.
The party to whom a shipment is consigned (the party entitled to receive the shipment). The Consignee is usually, but does not have to be, the Receiver.
The holding of a railcar on RJC’s tracks when Actual Placement of the railcar is not possible due to causes attributable to the Customer, in whole or in part.
A Station is considered ‘Open Gate’ with regards to railcars that RJC will deliver upon determining that the Station has space to receive the railcar. No specific placement instruction will be accepted for Open Gate railcars. A Station may be Open Gate for some commodities or railcars and Closed Gate for other commodities or railcars.