Accessorial Charge
Accessorial Charge
Incidental charges for service rendered such as demurrage, weighing, diversions, etc. which are in addition to normal transportation charges.
Incidental charges for service rendered such as demurrage, weighing, diversions, etc. which are in addition to normal transportation charges.
Any third party performing an obligation of a Customer under these Terms and Conditions or a contract with RJC.
2016 TIGER Grant
RJCK MDA Project
NICHOLASVILLE, Ky – R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC announced the finalization of an agreement to acquire Owego and Harford Railway, Inc (OHRY), Lehigh Railway, LLC (LRWY), and Luzerne and Susquehanna Railway Company (LS) as well as TranZ, a transload service provider operating on the short line railroads. These entities are to be purchased by subsidiaries of R. J. Corman Railroad Group from Mr. Steve May, President of OHRY, LRWY, LS and TranZ. The closing is subject to customary regulatory approvals.
NERR and RJCM Crossing Materials
RJCM Crossing Project - Dunlop Lane
NERR Crossing Projects